sustain belief until you die

Book Info

Les Miserables

Victor Hugo

sustain belief whether someone recognized that or not

Intro of the book for sustain belief

  • Sustain belief is a tough way of life facing a suppressive moment from other people who don’t know about it.
  • In that meaning, I can’t strongly recommend that to you despite I am already living like that for so long.
  • In this book, you can see a better person than me to keep the faith until he dies
  • So, that book is valuable to read undoubtedly.

One Sentence Summary

Death is nothing, really scary thing is can’t live in your own desire and hope.

I recommend buying that one as a package.

For Who?

  • Those who have their own life value only for them.
  • Those who want to sustain those values forever, or focus on finding those kinds of values.
Those who wonder how to root down in the soil and sustain it until the tree gets thicker.

Why, when did I read to sustain belief?

  • There is a book titled [Emotion Class] by Shinju Kang, a very famous philosopher in Korea
  • That is about a book that allocated each chapter of the book based on 48 types of emotions by Spinoza’s theory.
  • In each chapter, one book is recommended as a good book to explain a specific emotion in each chapter.
  • Hugo’s book is recommended for a chapter [Philanthropy]
  • I saw an old animation when I was young, So, I just remembered this book as Jean Valjean because that was the title of the animation.
  • That animation was just about Jean Valjean’s theft and regret but I heard that isn’t everything in the book. so I chose to read this book.
  • But the total page amount of the book was a huddle to me. It was composed of 2,800 pages.
  • On the other side, I felt curious about this volume itself.
  • For another personal reason, I read 50 books when I tried to read Les Miserables, and last year I read 28 books in total.
  • So, I wanted to make my book record double that of last year. Les Miserables is good for accomplishing my goal easily. So I read it.
My book amount growing shows the situation of the toughness of my life.

Where is the feeling to sustain belief in you?

  • It was very tough to read all even though I swore I will live with reading books forever.
  • But, it has clear value to read to you. Victor Hugo wrote this book 17 years based on his thinking about this book for 35 years.
  • Besides, like the period to write it down, he was growing his level on and on. So, it can be explained as his life novel or growth novel.
  • That isn’t surprising moment of the selling amount was almost the same as the bible when this book was published.
  • I want to recommend this book for sure if you can read only one piece of book per 1 year.
  • It is a very qualified book to listen to that fame.
This book is reflected past history. So you can read that generation in all aspects.

Where is the inspirational part to you?

  • You will suffer suppressive life If your first impression was fixed badly by people.
  • The truth was shown very slowly than your effort if you did a mistake one time.
  • It doesn’t mean you don’t need to do an effort to be better after doing a mistake.
  • Rather, it means you need to focus on the life you want to live in style than caring for another sight.
  • So, training to be free from another sight will have meaning in your life as a long-term view.
  • In addition to the above messages, I realized emptiness can be born from the moment of self-deception.
  • You know your fault until you will die despite you can fake all the people in the world.
  • The fastest answer is to walk your own life way bravely.
  • But you should pay a reasonable price when you did something wrong or crime.
  • A brave life attitude gotten from social qualification and fame can be disappeared easily.
  • Genuine respect can be followed naturally by proper behaviors, especially when the behaviors don’t overwhelm someone strongly.
  • On the other hand, there is a villain who can’t edit ever.
  • So, we need to learn how to discriminate between good and bad people and learn how to make the proper distance in a relationship.
  • We should put an effort to control a balance between the lifestyle that I want to live and the environment to do.
Respect for your pride in your own

What did you see in sustain belief-related book?

  • I felt strongest I have to live my own life thoroughly.
  • The most important life is my life than an exemplary and good life.
  • The point to separate between another one and me is when I have clear subjectivity in my life.
  • For doing that well, distancing from bad behavior is important as trying to live my life related to good behavior.
  • So, where I will stand between good and bad behavior in moral boundaries is decisive depending on my choice.
  • Those who have been sustaining preceding always regardless of their living environment will get nobility and dignity.
  • However, do they feel they knew well about them and they lived their own life? Isn’t that just living like a good person?
  • So, most of all, watching their own life calmly is important with the will that is going forward for the future.
You should swim your life even though it looks like there is no end.

Re-definition of distorted ambition after reading a book

  • The original definition of drinking desire in the book: Driving force that can make sense of community
  • 26th Oct 2020. (After reading this chapter, re-definition): Extraordinary solidarity to consider another one warmly as my family.
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