sleep, woman go, alone-2754908.jpg


Book Info


Ivan Turgenev

Intro of the book about slave

  • MUMU, miserable story about losting all things of slave.
  • slave but didn’t complain.
  • Just want to have a small peace. that is really small.
  • But can’t have that small one. The reason why I am a slave of an owner.

One Sentence Summary

Only the person who gets their own independence in life can have a genuine relationship.

For Who?

  • Everyone who thinks by themselves can’t have an independent life zone whether that is economic or psychological aspects.
  • Those who know about the real pain by living independently as a side effect.
  • Actually, everyone lives on earth as a human being.
Can I live alone? do fair two in a relationship possible?

Why did I read about Slave?

  • There is a book titled [Emotion Class] by Shinju Kang, a very famous philosopher in Korea
  • That is about a book that allocated each chapter of the book based on 48 types of emotions by Spinoza’s theory.
  • In each chapter, one book is recommended as a proper book to explain a specific emotion in each chapter.
  • Ivan Turgenev’s book is recommended for a chapter [Abjection]
  • Especially, this book is mentioned in his lectures many times when he wants to emphasize about the power of subjective life.
  • Slave is the person who isn’t qualified to get any own things so we should fight against to get real freedom and independence in our life.
  • I knew the book well from his explanation. So I didn’t feel much attraction of the chapter title [Abjection]
  • However, that book is my first priority in my life because of two main keywords [slave] and [independence].
  • I didn’t read about that book at all but I thought I had been living like slave myself for long years.
  • I couldn’t achieve the independent condition in my life style aspect, So I felt stress a lot not to do that well by myself.
  • So I thought usually I have to read that book whenever.
  • Finally when I found that book, I finished that before I drank all of coffee in the day.
I thought I hope to get life independece under those conditions in the picture.

When did you read it about slave?

  • When I couldn’t protect precious person. Finally, finished to sustain a relationship because of that from my side.
  • Love wasn’t an important matter at that time. I was full of genuine quality of love in the past.
  • Wanted to protect my one as a man of this kind of tough society but practically it was tough to live every single day.
  • Even though my social goal was very simple since I joined to university. That is getting 100% independent economically.
  • Always felt damage in my self-confidence when I got the pocket money from mom in a university life.
  • I got 70% tuition fee scholarship most of the time but that wasn’t suitable amount for the size of my desire.
  • Besides my dream at the time was to become a professor in my major.
  • That was non-sense with my life direction but I didn’t realize that in that time.
  • As most people know, that dream is almost impossible despite I can get full funding for long years.
  • By those reasons, the word [economic independence] was like a magic spell to me.
  • It makes me happy by speaking that word one or twice.
  • I read that book when I felt thirsty about economic independence the most.
  • There are lot of things to do after achieving independence but I couldn’t.
  • That was my timing to read that book.
the princess, forest princess, lost in the forest
Lost, weak, or tired.

How do you feel after reading?

  • Like my painful thought, the fact I was slave, right. the fact I couldn’t ahieve my goal, that is also right.
  • There wasn’t existed hole to escape from cold life moment.
  • I was just weak to have my own something like hero in that book.
  • Until that time, I didn’t lie at all about my life. Tried to face to my painful moment in the front side.
  • Always tried something new than just ran away.
  • I can tell that undoubtedly sustained my life direction at least more than 10 years since I was a freshman.
  • Didn’t I have qualification to get that?
  • Wasn’t that a thing I hadn’t have hope?
  • Should I put down my desire because final result was fixed as lose again?
  • Swore myself not gonna try to have anything until I acheived my dream but felt lonely many times on midnight.
  • Want to see precious people and spend nice time with them. But all things were looked as a thing to spend money.
  • Is that really right? Ignoring my precious life value until I will achieve my goal?
  • Can’t I have anything until I wil become the person who doesn’t need to be taken by getting suitable power?

So what was an answer?

  • No was an answer in my body and brain.
  • But I think those kinds of questions will follow my back until I will solve the problem.
  • Besides, sometimes I feel fatigue to do it again as time goes later especially when my goal looks so far away from present.
  • Now I live alone without anyone for 2 years about.
  • Like my period as a solo, I feel heart beat under small kind gesture from anyone.
  • So I chose to do together slowly between caring each other with precious group and struggling for my goal.
  • By doing so, want to walk sustaininably for growth by meeting with nice new people.
  • I want to change me on and on with this way.
  • Like I failed to my goal, want to troubleshoot and go further for my goal.
  • It wasn’t my intend but I got used to endure lonely moment myself. I learned when I got a scholarship on and on in an university.
  • However, I don’t want to isolate myself to have distance with another one to achieve my goal no more.
  • Even though I couldn’t protect anybody like my past love.
  • So I will choose another way of approaching. Find my people group and will grow together.
  • That makes me a person who can achieve my goal properly for future.
Still it will become lonely way to do but I will do that better than before for sure.

Where is the inspirational part to you?

  • In that novel Mumu, hero doesn’t have offensive attitude at all.
  • Just have a affectionate target in long lonely life.
  • He didn’t love many things. Just pour his love purely because he doesn’t have many experience to love something.
  • That was all but sadly, lost it too easily.
  • I don’t want to blame it is because slave doesn’t have suitable power.
  • However, I think I never forget his empty heart when he lost all.
  • It was tough moment to see his final footstep after facing empty result.
what was his feeling? did he know what he felt at that time?

What did you see?

  • I realized I can’t give up my desire to get independence until I will succeed.
  • Even though it looks far still but I can’t imagine to change my direction.
  • Rather, I choose to face to the fact I don’t succeed my goal still.
  • Also will accept the fact my age is older and older.
  • I can face to the failure in the final moment, but never want to give up in the middle of walking forward my goal.
  • Still finding details for doing it but blurr now.
  • However, at least I have confidence to meet die in the middle of struggling for my achievement.
  • My present is still weak, actually miserable.
  • I repeated these kinds of swear one and two years ago.
  • But I will make a chance to get over this situation.
  • I will pray for myself not sitting down just because of light level of hardship.
fantasy, portal, goal
I couldn’t recognize light but it is already existed nearly.

Re-definition of Abjection after reading a book

  • The original definition of drinking desire in the book: Slave mindset that should be overcome to become an owner of our life
  • 20th Aug 2020. (After reading this chapter, re-definition): Nothing. I agree with the author’s opinion.

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